Akagera National Park and Extraction Plant in Rubavu, Rwanda

Akagera National Park and Extraction Plant in Rubavu, Rwanda

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1st - 3rd March, 2025



The delegates will be picked up from Kigali and will visit Akagera National Park located in Eastern Rwanda,106 km f rom Kigali. There the delegates will explore beautiful landscapes and different wildlife. Moreover, the visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the exquisite scenery at Ihema Lake.

Methane Gas extraction Plant


The excursion will take us to the west in Rubavu to visit the methane extraction platform in Lake Kivu. The delegates will be taken through the technology of extracting methane gas dissolved into Lake Kivu and power generation from extracted methane gas. On the way back from Rubavu, delegates will head to in Musanze for a final excursion to visit the caves. The caves cover a distance of roughly 1.6 km and are believed to have formed by lava basaltic layers that came from Bisoke and the Sabyinyo Volcanoes.


Musanze caves
Musanze caves

Fees: US$800 per person.

Cost will cover local transport, meals and access to excursion venues

Contact information

Deogratias Dushime
Senior Petroleum Engineer
Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell-phone : +250785062807

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11th East African Petroleum Conference & Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE'25).
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